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Join our email list and get access to weekly newsletters, meeting info, networking and job opportunities .

Instructions to Join National SWE

Being a national member is not required to be a general body member of our section, nor is it to attend our meetings,  but it is required if you would like to use SWE on your resume or join the board/committees associated with our section - not to mention to go to conference! It’s only $50 for a total of 5 years - 4 collegiate and 1 professional, only $10 a year!! (only 83 cents for those interested about the monthly cost as well). 


We strongly encourage you all to become national members if you haven’t already as it only opens doors of opportunities! 

1.  Visit
2.  Hover over the MEMBERSHIP tab in the lilac ribbon if it is not already           expanded.
3.  Then click on Join! You may have to create an account first if you haven’t        done so already.
4.  You will then have prompts to follow through on the process. Make sure         to join through our Section at Virginia Tech when it is asked.
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